Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
Table 3-18: Values Indicating Audit Log Data Categories describes the values that
indicate audit log data categories. The default is
Table 3-18: Values Indicating Audit Log Data Categories
This example shows how to enable the collection of audit log data:
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr set -audlog on -audlv 6
-category all
Specify on if you want to collect audit log data, and off if you do not want to collect
audit log data. If you specify
on, you can use the -audlv parameter to specify the
collection level for audit log data and the
-category parameter to specify the audit
log categories.
If you want to set the audit log facility, see (12) Setting the Audit Log Facility.
(12) Setting the Audit Log Facility
The following describes how to specify the output destination for audit log data.
If you want to specify the output destination for audit log data, first specify the audit
log facility by using the
dlnkmgr set -audfac command. Next, define the output
destination of the facility in the
/etc/syslog.conf file. Table 3-19: Values
Indicating Audit Log Facility describes the values that indicate audit log facility. The
default is
Table 3-19: Values Indicating Audit Log Facility
Value Explanation
ss Audit log events of the StartStop category are collected.
a Audit log events of the Authentication category are collected.
ca Audit log events of the ConfigurationAccess category are collected.
all Audit log events of the StartStop, Authentication, and ConfigurationAccess categories
are all collected.
Value Corresponding facility value in the /etc/syslog.conf file
user or 1 user
or 16 local0
Value (severity) Explanation