Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
3.10.3 Setting the Reservation Policy
When you use HACMP, we usually recommend that you set the reserve_policy
attribute to
PR_exclusive. However, when a virtual I/O function is applied in order
to use HACMP in a client partition, use the following procedure to check, in the virtual
I/O server partition, the settings for the
reserve_policy attribute of the hdisk. If
reserve_policy is set to PR_exclusive, change its value to no_reserve.
1. Check the setting for the
reserve_policy attribute of the hdisk.
# lsattr -El
hdisk-name -a reserve_policy
reserve_policy PR_exclusive N/A TRUE
Perform the following steps if reserve_policy is set to PR_exclusive:
2. Quit all applications that specify and directly access the hdisk whose attribute is
to be changed.
3. Execute the following command to unmount the file system used by HDLM.
# umount
4. Execute the following command to display all the activated volume groups.
# lsvg -o
5. Among the displayed volume groups, inactivate the volume groups used by
# varyoffvg
6. Execute the chdev command to change the reserve_policy attribute to
# chdev -l
hdisk-name -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
7. Confirm that the setting was changed to no_reserve.
# lsattr -El
hdisk-name -a reserve_policy
reserve_policy no_reserve N/A TRUE