Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

5. Troubleshooting
Figure 5-2: Troubleshooting procedure when a path error occurs
The following shows the procedure for using the HDLM command (
dlnkmgr) to
handle a path error.
5.3.1 Examining the messages
Examine the message that is output to syslog in the management-target host by using
applications or tools for monitoring messages. If the KAPL08022-E message is output,
view the message to check the path in which the error occurs. For details on each item
displayed in the message, see 5.2 Checking error information in messages.
5.3.2 Obtain path information
Obtain path information to narrow down the hardware in which an error has occurred.
Execute the following command:
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -path -iem
-hbaportwwn > pathinfo.txt
is the redirection-output file name. Use a file name that matches your