Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for AIX (6.6) (T5208-96010, April 2011)

6. Command Reference
PathStatus Status of the displayed paths. The displayed status indicates the following:
Online: All paths are available.
Reduced: Some paths are not available.
Reduced means that some paths might have an error status, in which case you
should check the status of individual paths and resolve the problem for any paths
that have an error status.
IO-Count Total I/O count for the displayed paths, indicated by a decimal number. The
maximum value that can be displayed is 2
- 1 (4294967295). If the total I/O
count reaches the maximum value, it is reset, and the count is re-started from 0.
IO-Errors Total I/O error count for the displayed paths, indicated by a decimal number. The
maximum value that can be displayed is 2
- 1 (4294967295). If the total I/O
error count reaches the maximum value, it is reset, and the count is re-started
from 0.
PathID The AutoPATH_ID indicated by a decimal number.
The AutoPATH_ID is assigned every time the host is restarted or when a path
configuration is changed. When a new LU was added and the host has not been
restarted, AutoPATH_ID is assigned to each path of the LU when you execute the
cfgmgr command.
- The path name, which indicates a path. When you modify the system
configuration or replace a hardware item, you should check the path names to
identify the path that will be affected by the change.
Path name consists of the
following four elements, separated by periods:
HBA adapter number or adapter type (character string)
Bus number or adapter number (character string)
Target ID (hexadecimal number)
Host LU number (hexadecimal number)
For details about each element of the path name and its representation in AIX, see
Table 6-13: Elements of a Path Name.
DskName Storage system name, which identifies the storage system that is accessed by a
A storage system name consists of the following three elements, separated by
Vendor ID: The name of the storage system vendor (for example,
Product ID: Indicates the storage system product ID, emulation type, or
model name (for example,
Serial number: The serial number of the storage system (for example,
You can identify an actual storage system by referencing the above information
from the storage system management program.
Displayed Item Description