Medical Archive Solutions User Guide

HPMA User Guide
HP Medical Archive
DICOM Indexes
This component provides a list of the DICOM tags that are used by the
grid for query and content management. This information is read-only
and cannot be altered through the NMS interface.
FSG Groups
For each FSG (File System Gateway) service within the grid, this com-
ponent lists:
The replication group to which the service belongs; indicating
which services are mirrors to provide redundancy within the grid.
Whether the service is the default primary (the gateway for remote
entities) or a secondary (mirror) service.
Whether a secondary service has been forced to act as a primary; a
failover condition while a default primary service is being
Table 26: CMN X DICOM Indexes Component Attributes
Attribute Type / Units Description
C T Alarm
DICOM Indexed Tags
Label Text Description of the tag’s purpose;
its use.
Extracted Tag Text DICOM standard tag designation. N/A
Table 27: CMN X FSG Groups Component Attributes
Attribute Type / Units Description
C T Alarm
File System Gateway Groups
FSG Node ID Number Unique node ID of a connected
FSG service.
Number Arbitrary (non-zero) number used
to associate FSG services into a
group; a primary gateway and
secondary mirrors.
Check box Indicates whether the service is
the default primary within the
replication group.