Medical Archive Solutions User Guide

HPMA User Guide
HP Medical Archive
NMS—Network Management System
This document is a guide to the Network Management System (NMS).
It performs two primary functions:
It is a monitoring system that notifies you of problems when the
status of key hardware or software changes.
It is a browser-based interface making the system easily available
to multiple users for:
Reporting status information about the grid so you can
monitor and resolve grid issues.
Creating, viewing, and printing reports on current and historic
data about each grid component based on your selection of
report criteria.
Configuring grid components and customizing the notification
settings according to your criteria.
NMS Attributes
The NMS supports the standard set of service attributes for node infor-
mation and system status.
Table 50: NMS Service Attributes
Attribute Type / Units Description
C T Alarm
NMS State Enumerated
Current state of the service:
1 = Standby
NMS Status Enumerated
The status of the service’s
0 = No Errors
10 = DB Connectivity Error
Node Information
User Label Text User-defined label for the service
appearing in the Navigation Tree,
map views, and the title of the
Content frame.