- Hewlett-Packard Scientific Calculator User's Guide

3-8 Storing Data into Variables
Suppose the variables D, E, and F contain the values 1, 2, and 3. Use storage
arithmetic to add 1 to each of those variables.
Suppose the variables D, E, and F contain the values 2, 3, and 4 from the last
example. Divide 3 by D, multiply it by E, and add F to the result.
Exchanging x with Any Variable
The key allows you to exchange the contents of x (the displayed X –
register) with the contents of any variable. Executing this function does not affect the
Y–, Z–, or T–registers.
Keys: Display: Description:
Stores the assumed values into the
Adds1 to D, E, and F.
Displays the current value of D.
Clears the VIEW display; displays X-
register again.
Keys: Display: Description:
Calculates 3 ÷ D.
3 ÷ D × E.
3 ÷ D × E + F.