HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

Mode: If this parameter is not supplied, all Modes are retrieved.
Locality: Describes the desired locality. If this parameter is not supplied, all replication
relationships are retrieved, regardless of the locality of elements. Choices are: Local only --
Source and target elements are contained in the same system; and Remote only -- Source and
target elements are contained in two different systems.
CopyState: Only retrieve synchronization relationships that currently has this CopyState. If this
parameter is not supplied, relationships are retrieved regardless of their current CopyState.
Job: This will always be NULL.
Synchronizations[]: An array of elements found
The following tables shows a summary of the supported ReplicationService methods and their
corresponding CLI commands:
Which Method to Use
(in ReplicationService class, unless specified
CLI CommandOperation
NCreateGroupcreatevvset <vvset>Create vvset
NRemoveGroupremovevvset <vvset>Remove vvset
NAddMemberscreatevvset -add
<vvset> <vv>
Add to vvset
NRemoveMembersremovevvset <vvset>
Remove member from
NReplicaGroup.ModifyInstancesetvvsetModify vvset
YCreateElementReplicacreatevvcopy -p <par>
Create clone physical
copy vv
SyncType = Clone (8)
Mode = Synchronous (2)
WaitForCopyState=Synchronized (4)
YCreateGroupReplica/ TPD_CreateGroupReplica
createvvcopy -p
set:<par> set:<dest>
Create clone physical
copy vvset
SyncType = Clone (8)
Mode = Synchronous (2)
WaitForCopyState=Synchronized (4)
YCreateElementReplicacreatevvcopy -p <par>
-s <dest>
Create async physical
copy vv
SyncType = Clone (8)
Mode = Asynchronous (2)
WaitForCopyState=Inactive (8)
YCreateGroupReplica/ TPD_CreateGroupReplica
createvvcopy -p
set:<par> -s
Create async physical
copy vvset
SyncType = Clone (8)
Mode = Asynchronous (2)
WaitForCopyState=Inactive (8)
Replication Services Profile 115