HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

Table 101 SupportedGroupFeatures for ReplicationType (continued)
A user friendly name can be given to a replication
group (ElementName).
Group is nameable (14)
Many-to-many groups (3)Synchronous Clone Local
Consistency enabled for all groups
Source element can be removed from
group (11)
Target element can be removed from
group (12)
Group is nameable" (14)
The clone target group detaches automatically
when the target group becomes synchronized;
Synchronized clone target detaches
automatically (16)
otherwise, the client needs to explicitly request a
detach operation.
Many-to-many groups (3)Asynchronous Clone Local
Consistency enabled for all groups
“Multihop element replication (8)
“Source element can be removed
from group (11)
“Target element can be removed
from group (12)
"Group is nameable" (14)
“Consistency enabled for all groups
Synchronous Mirror Remote
Asynchronous Mirror Remote
“Empty replication groups allowed”
“Source element can be removed
from group (11)
“Target element can be removed
from group (12)
"Group is nameable" (14)
This method will return Not Supported (2) error code for any other ReplicationType not listed in
the table above.
uint32 ReplicationServiceCapabilities.GetSupportedCopyStates(
[IN] uint16 ReplicationType,
[OUT] uint16 SupportedCopyStates[],
[OUT] boolean HostAccessible[]);
For a given ReplicationType, this method returns the supported CopyStates and a parallel array
to indicate whether for a given CopyState the target element is host accessible or not (true or false).
120 CIM API SMI-S Support