HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

Table 105 Possible SupportedOperations for Various ReplicationType
Supported OperationsReplicationType
Abort (2)Synchronous Clone Local (10)
Abort (2)Asynchronous Clone Local (11)
Detach (8)
Dissolve (9)
Resync (14)
Detach (8)Synchronous Snapshot Local (6)
Dissolve (9)
Restore Replica (15)
Return to Resource Pool (19)
This method will return Not Supported (2) error code for any other ReplicationType.
uint32 ReplicationServiceCapabilities.GetSupportedGroupOperations(
[IN] uint16 ReplicationType,
[OUT] uint16 SupportedOperations[] );
For a given ReplicationType this method returns the supported replication group Operations on a
GroupSynchronized association that can be supplied to the ModifyReplicaSynchronization method.
Since remote replication implementation is read-only, no group operations are supported.
SupportedOperations for either ReplicationType of Synchronous Mirror Remote (4) or Asynchronous
Mirror Remote (5) will be an empty array. This method will return “Not Supported” (2) error code
for any other ReplicationType.
uint32 ReplicationServiceCapabilities.GetSupportedListOperations(
[IN] uint16 ReplicationType,
[IN] uint16 SynchronizationType,
[OUT] uint16 SupportedListOperations[] );
For a given ReplicationType this method returns the supported replication Operations on a list of
associations that can be supplied to the ModifyListSynchronization method. The parameter
SynchronizationType specifies the operations as they apply to a list of StorageSynchronized or
GroupSynchronized. If SynchronizationType is not specified, StorageSynchronized is assumed.
Possible SupportedOperations are the same as that for GetSupportedOperations. However, only
StorageSynchronized (2) is supported for SynchronizationType. This method will return "Not
Supported" (2) error code for any other SynchronizationType or ReplicationType.
For a given ReplicationType this method returns the supported operations on a SettingsDefineState
association that can be supplied to the ModifySettingsDefineState method.
We do not support SettingsDefineState, so this method will always return "Not Supported" (2)
error code. FYI, SettingsDefineState marks a physical copy clone as a target even if there is no
longer a replication relationship with the source.
Replication Services Profile 123