HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

"TPD_TopLevelStorageSetting.DiskPackageModels" }]
String DiskIDs[];
[Write, Description (
"The total number of chunklets in the disk must be "
"greater than this value.\n"
"Each element in this array represents one instance of "
"pattern for candidate disks; multiple array element adds "
"additional candidate disks that match the pattern.\n"
"A value of -1 means that the value is not specified for "
"this particular set of patterns. All other negative integers "
"are invalid.\n"),
ArrayType ( "Indexed" ),
ModelCorrespondence {
"TPD_TopLevelStorageSetting.DiskPackageModels" }]
sint32 DiskTotalChunkletGT[];
[Write, Description (
"The total number of chunklets in the disk must be "
"less than this value.\n"
"Each element in this array represents one instance of "
"pattern for candidate disks; multiple array element adds "
"additional candidate disks that match the pattern.\n"
"A value of -1 means that the value is not specified for "
"this particular set of patterns. All other negative integers "
"are invalid.\n"),
ArrayType ( "Indexed" ),
ModelCorrespondence {
"TPD_TopLevelStorageSetting.DiskPackageModels" }]
sint32 DiskTotalChunkletLT[];
[Write, Description (
"The total number of free or initializing chunklets in "
"the disk must be greater than this value.\n"
"Each element in this array represents one instance of "
"pattern for candidate disks; multiple array element adds "
"additional candidate disks that match the pattern.\n"
"A value of -1 means that the value is not specified for "
"this particular set of patterns. All other negative integers "
"are invalid.\n"),
ArrayType ( "Indexed" ),
ModelCorrespondence {
186 Managed Object Format Files