HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR StorageConfigurationService
// ==================================================================
("The StorageConfigurationService provides methods that allow "
"a client to create, modify and delete storage pools and "
class TPD_StorageConfigurationService : SNIA_StorageConfigurationService
[Override ("CreateOrModifyStoragePool"), Description (
"Starts a job to create (or modify) a StoragePool. The "
"StoragePool will be (or must be) scoped to the same System "
"as this Service. One of the parameters for this method is "
"Size. As an input parameter, Size specifies the desired "
"size of the pool. As an output parameter, it specifies the "
"size achieved. Space is taken from either or both of the "
"specified input StoragePools and StorageExtents (InPools "
"and InExtents). The capability requirements that the Pool "
"must support are defined using the Goal parameter. If the "
"requested pool size cannot be created, no action will be "
"taken, the Return Value will be 4097/0x1001, and the output "
"value of Size will be set to the nearest possible size. If "
"0 is returned, then the task completed successfully and the "
"use of ConcreteJob was not required. If the task will take "
"some time to complete, a ConcreteJob will be created and "
"its reference returned in the output parameter Job. "
"For HP 3PAR provider, only TPD_DynamicStoragePool "
"can be created from a concrete pool."),
ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096",
"4097", "4098..32767", "32768..65535" },
Values { "Job Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
"Unknown", "Timeout", "Failed", "Invalid Parameter",
"In Use", "DMTF Reserved",
"Method Parameters Checked - Job Started",
"Size Not Supported", "Method Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }]
uint32 CreateOrModifyStoragePool (
[IN, Description (
"A end user relevant name for the pool being created. If "
"NULL, then a system supplied default name can be used. "
"The value will be stored in the 'ElementName' property "
"for the created pool. If not NULL, this parameter will "
"supply a new name when modifying an existing pool.")]
string ElementName,
[IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
"Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).")]
CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job,
[IN, Description (
"Reference to an instance of StorageSetting that defines "
"the desired capabilities of the StoragePool. If set to a "
"null value, the default configuration from the source "
"pool will be used. If not NULL, this parameter will "
"supply a new Goal setting when modifying an existing "
"pool. ")]
CIM_StorageSetting REF Goal,
[IN, OUT, Description (
"As an input parameter this specifies the desired pool "
"size in bytes. As an output parameter this specifies the "
"size achieved. "),
Units ( "Bytes" )]
uint64 Size,
[IN, Description (
"Array of strings containing representations of "
"references to CIM_StoragePool instances, that are used "
"to create the Pool or modify the source pools.")]
string InPools[],
3PAR_TPD.mof 197