HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

"The Drive Cage that contains Magazines")]
TPD_DriveCage REF GroupComponent;
[Override ( "PartComponent" ), Description (
"The Magazine that is contained in the Drive Cage.")]
TPD_Magazine REF PartComponent;
// ==================================================================
// TPD_SystemPackage and TPD_DriveCage association
// ==================================================================
[Association, Aggregation, Description (
"The SysCageContainer association represents the relationship between "
"a TPD_SystemPackage and TPD_DriveCage.")]
class TPD_SysCageContainer : CIM_Container {
[Aggregate, Override ( "GroupComponent" ), Max ( 1 ),
Description (
"The SystemPackage that contains DriveCage(s)")]
TPD_SystemPackage REF GroupComponent;
[Override ( "PartComponent" ), Description (
"The TPD_DriveCage which is contained in the SystemPackage.")]
TPD_DriveCage REF PartComponent;
// ==================================================================
// TPD Cage Sensor
// ==================================================================
[Description (
"TPD Cage Sensor information")]
class TPD_CageSensor : CIM_Sensor
[Description ("Position of the Sensor in the cage.") ]
uint16 Position;
[Description ("Sensor base unit."), Read ]
string BaseUnit;
[Description ("Current sensor reading (actual * 100)."), Read ]
uint16 CurrentReading;
[Description ("Low limit (actual * 100)."), Read ]
uint16 LowLimit;
[Description ("High limit (actual * 100)."), Read ]
uint16 HighLimit;
[Description ("Sensor state."),
ValueMap {"0", "1", "2"},
Values {"OK", "Under Limit", "Over Limit"} ]
uint16 State;
// ==================================================================
// TPD DriveCage Sensor
// ==================================================================
[Association, Description (
"Many Devices include Sensors or have Sensors installed nearby, "
"in order to measure critical input and output properties. This "
"association indicates that relationship.")]
class TPD_SensorInDriveCage : CIM_PackageDependency {
[Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description (
"The Sensor.")]
TPD_CageSensor REF Antecedent;
246 Managed Object Format Files