HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

[Description ("Minor part of BIOS version.") ]
uint16 BiosMinor;
[Description ("Revision part of BIOS version.") ]
uint16 BiosRevision;
[Description ("Build part of BIOS version.") ]
uint16 BiosBuild;
[Description ("BIOS Version in String format.") ]
string BiosVersion;
[Description ("System LED status."),
ValueMap {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"},
Values {"Unknown", "Off", "Green", "Green Blinking", "Amber", "Amber Blinking"} ]
uint16 SystemLED;
[Description ("Percentage of the node cache enabled.") ]
uint16 CacheEnabled;
[Description ("HP 3PAR specific operational state for the disk"),
ValueMap {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"},
Values {"Unknown", "OK/Inited", "Error/Offline", "New",
"Defunct, mismatched kernel revisions",
"Defunct, node ide partition bad",
"Defunct, node is rebooting",
"Defunct, node is being shutdown"} ]
uint16 OtherOperationalStatus;
// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR NodePackage
// ==================================================================
[Description (
"HP 3PAR Controller Node Package for Vendor, Model, and Serial Number")]
class TPD_NodePackage : CIM_PhysicalPackage {
[Description ("HP 3PAR saleable serial number."), Read]
string SaleableSerialNumber;
[Description ("HP 3PAR saleable product number."), Read]
string SaleableProductNumber;
[Description ("HP 3PAR spare part number."), Read]
string SparePartNumber;
[Description ("HP 3PAR model name."), Read]
string ModelName;
[Description ("HP 3PAR assembly revision number."), Read]
string AssemblyRevision;
[Description ("HP 3PAR check sum."), Read]
string Checksum;
// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR NodeSystem and NodePackage association
// ==================================================================
Description (
"HP 3PAR NodeSystem and NodePackage Association.") ]
class TPD_NodeSystemPackage : CIM_ComputerSystemPackage
[Override ("Antecedent"),
Description ("The HP 3PAR Storage Node physical package.") ]
TPD_NodePackage REF Antecedent;
256 Managed Object Format Files