HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR AffectedJobElement
// ==================================================================
Description (
"AffectedJobElement represents an association between a "
"TPD_ConcreteJob and the ManagedElement(s) that may be "
"affected by its execution, for example, a TPD_StorageVolume "
"when a job is created as a side-effect of physical copy.")]
class TPD_AffectedJobElement : CIM_AffectedJobElement
// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR MethodResult
// ==================================================================
[Description (
"Jobs are sometimes used to represent extrinsic method "
"invocations that execute for times longer than the length of "
"time is reasonable to require a client to wait. The method "
"executing continues beyond the method return to the client. "
"The class provides the result of the execution of a Job that "
"was itself started by the side-effect of this extrinsic method "
"invocation. \n"
"The indication instances embedded an instance of this class "
"MUST be the same indications delivered to listening clients or "
"recorded, all or in part, to logs. Basically, this approach is "
"a corollary to the functionality provided by an instance of "
"ListenerDestinationLog (as defined in the Interop Model). The "
"latter provides a comprehensive, persistent mechanism for "
"recording Job results, but is also more resource-intensive and "
"requires supporting logging functionality. Both the extra "
"resources and logging MAY NOT be available in all environments "
"(for example, embedded environments). Therefore, this "
"instance-based approach is also provided. \n"
"The MethodResult instances MUST NOT exist after the associated "
"ConcreteJob is deleted.")]
class TPD_MethodResult : CIM_MethodResult {
// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR AssociatedJobMethodResult
// ==================================================================
Description (
"AssociatedJobMethodResult represents an association between a "
"ConcreteJob and the MethodResult expressing the parameters for "
"the Job when the job was created by side-effect of the "
"execution of an extrinsic method.")]
class TPD_AssociatedJobMethodResult : CIM_AssociatedJobMethodResult {
// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR Job Control Indication
// ==================================================================
[Description (
"Indication sent when a property of a TPD_ConcreteJob changes "
"value. This indication will only be sent if OperationlStatus "
"of a TPD_ConcreteJob instance is changed.")]
class TPD_ConcreteJobInstModification : CIM_InstModification {
3PAR_TPDJob.mof 285