HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

// ==================================================================
[Description (
"This class represents a collection of storage objects, such as "
"a group of StorageVolumes. It is used to represent volume set." )]
class TPD_ReplicationGroup : CIM_ReplicationGroup
[Description (
"System assigned ID for the volume set.")]
uint32 ID;
// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR System and ReplicationService association.
// ==================================================================
Description (
"TPD_HostedReplicationService is an association "
"between TPD_StorageSystem and TPD_HostedReplicationService. "
"The cardinality of this association is 1-to-1. A System may "
"host only one TPD_HostedReplicationService. ")]
class TPD_HostedReplicationService: CIM_HostedService
[Override ( "Antecedent" ), Min ( 1 ), Max ( 1 ), Description (
"The HP 3PAR StorageSystem.")]
TPD_StorageSystem REF Antecedent;
[Override ( "Dependent" ), Weak, Description (
"The ReplicationService hosted on the HP 3PAR Storage System.")]
TPD_ReplicationService REF Dependent;
// ==================================================================
// MemberOfReplicationGroup
// ==================================================================
[Association, Aggregation, Description (
"MemberOfReplicationGroup is an aggregation used "
"to establish membership of StorageVolume in a ReplicationGroup, "
"i.e., volume set.")]
class TPD_MemberOfReplicationGroup : CIM_MemberOfCollection {
[Key, Aggregate, Description (
"The MemberOfReplicationGroup that aggregates StorageVolume .")]
TPD_ReplicationGroup REF Collection;
[Key, Description (
"The aggregated member of the "
TPD_StorageVolume REF Member;
// ==================================================================
// HP 3PAR ReplicationAffectsElement
// ==================================================================
Description (
"TPD_ReplicationAffectsElement is an association "
"between ReplicationService and ReplicationGroup "
"This provider is used to query the association "
"between affecting and affected sets.") ]
class TPD_ReplicationAffectsElement : CIM_ServiceAffectsElement
[Override ( "AffectingElement" ),
Key, Description ("The ReplicationService.")]
TPD_ReplicationService REF AffectingElement;
[Override ( "AffectedElement" ),
3PAR_TPDReplicationSvcs.mof 291