HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

size is also represented in TPD_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumed between the
parent concrete pool and the storage volume, dynamic storage pool, or delta replica storage pool.
TotalManagedSpace for a concrete storage pool is equal to RemainingManagedSpace for
the concrete storage pool value plus TPD_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumed
option from all the storage volumes, dynamic storage pool, or delta replica storage pool allocated
from the pool.
StoragePool.SpaceLimit has the same value as TotalManagedSpace.
Dynamic Storage Pool (CPG)
TPD_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumed between a concrete pool and a dynamic
storage pool (DSP) represents the raw capacity taken by the DSP. Capacity used for metadata in
the creation of the pool can be calculated by
TotalManagedSpace for a DSP represents the logical capacity that can be used to create storage
volumes or delta replica storage pool. RemainingManagedSpace for a DSP represents what
logical capacity is available for creating a new volume or delta replica storage pool. After a
volume or delta replica storage pool is created, the logical size of the new volume or the actual
logical size allocated to delta replica storage pool is subtracted from the
RemainingManagedSpace of the parent DSP. This size is also represented in
TPD_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumed between the DSP and the storage volume
or delta replica storage pool.
For a DynamicStoragePool, the formula used in capacity calculation is different from that of a
concrete pool (3PAR:all-FC, 3PAR:all-NL or 3PAR:all-SSD). TotalManagedSpace is the actual
allocated size to the pool and is not involved in the calculation anymore. Instead, SpaceLimit
is used:
SpaceLimit - RemainingManagedSpace plus total SpaceConsumed.
TotalManagedSpace - Actual space allocated.
SpaceLimit - Virtual size. If the pool is limitless, i.e., -sdgl is not specified, SpaceLimit
is 1PB which represents the maximum size the system allows.
RemainingManagedSpace - SpaceLimit minus the sum of SpaceConsumed.
Legacy Storage Volume
Since a concrete pool (HP_3PAR:all-FC, HP_3PAR:all-NL, and HP_3PAR:all-SSD) is not RAID-specific,
raw capacity is used in calculating its ManagedSpace as well as SpaceConsumed with its direct
parent primordial pool and child pools/volumes. All DeltaReplicaStoragePools that are
directly allocated from concrete pools also use raw capacity in calculating TotalManagedSpace
and RemaniningManagedSpace.
TPD_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumed between the parent concrete pool and
the storage volume represents the raw size of the volume.
The meaning of StorageVolume.NumberOfBlocksis the logical usable volume block size. A
new property, NumberOfRawBlocks, is introduced to the StorageVolume class to represent
the raw volume block size. Hence, TPD_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumed is
equal to TPD_StorageVolume.NumberOfRawBlocks multiplied by
TPD_StorageVolume.BlockSize. TPD_StorageVolume.ConsumableBlocks remains the
same and is now equal to TPD_StorageVolume.NumberOfBlocks.
Capacity used for metadata in the creation of the storage volume can be calculated by
[(TPD_StorageVolume.NumberOfRawBlocks minus
TPD_StorageVolume.NumberOfBlocks) multiplied by the
Block Services Package 41