HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

The ability to create a physical copy is described by the following instance of
TPD_StorageReplicationCapabilities (see Section (page 52)):
UnSyncUnAssoc - describes the capability of our provider to create an independent clone of
a volume
createvvcopy p <parvol> <destvol>
createvvcopy p <parvol> -s <destvol>
A physical copy can be created by a CIM client using the
TPD_StorageConfigurationService.AttachOrModifyReplica() method.
uint32 AttachOrModifyReplica(
[Out] CIM_ConcreteJob ref Job,
[In, REQ] CIM_ManagedElement ref SourceElement,
[In, REQ] CIM_ManagedElement ref TargetElement,
[In, REQ,
Values {"Async", "Sync", "UnSyncAssoc", "UnSyncUnAssoc"},
ValueMap {"2", "3", "4", "5"}]
Uint16 CopyType,
[In, EmbeddedInstance ( "CIM_SettingData" )]
String Goal,
[In] CIM_NetworkPipe ref ReplicationPipe);
Job: A Job is created as a side-effect of the execution of the method, and a reference to that
Job is returned through this parameter.
SourceElement: Reference to the base StorageVolume to copy from.
TargetElement: Reference to the base StorageVolume to copy to.
CopyType: Can only be UnsyncAssoc (4) or UnsyncUnAssoc (5)
UnsyncAssoc: Creates an unsynchronized physical copy that is associated to the source
StorageVolume. This creates a snapshot volume as a side-effect. This is equivalent to the
CLI command createvvcopy p <parvol> -s <destvol>.
UnsyncUnAssoc: Creates an unsynchronized physical copy of the source StorageVolume
and does not maintain the source association after completing the copy operation. This is
equivalent to the CLI command createvvcopy p <parvol> <destvol>, i.e., without
the s option.
Goal: The StorageSetting properties to be created or modified for the target
StorageVolume. We does not support changing the volume characteristics during
createvvcopy, so this can only be NULL. A Non-NULL value is ignored.
ReplicationPipe: The NetworkPipe element that scopes the remote mirror pair. This is only
for remote copy, which is not supported in Phase I, so this can only be NULL.
SMI-S also specifies that providers have to accept the AttachReplica() method, which is
defined in an earlier version of the copy services subprofile, for backward compatibility.
AttachReplica is similar to AttachOrModifyReplica with the omission of the Goal and
ReplicationPipe parameters.
uint32 AttachReplica(
[Out] CIM_ConcreteJob ref Job,
62 CIM API SMI-S Support