HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

Use of ExposeDefaultLUs has been deprecated. Please use ExposePaths instead to create a
port-present SPC.
Use of HideDefaultLUs has been deprecated. Please use HidePaths instead.
ExposeLUsToStorageHardwareIDCollection (Creating Host-Sees VLUNs) (3PAR proprietary method)
is similar to ExposePaths, except ExposeLUsToStorageHardwareIDCollection exposes
volumes to all the initiator ports (StorageHardwareID) on the specified hosts
(StorageHardwareIDCollection) regardless of which target ports they are connected to.
The parameter, TargetPortLIPDs, which if specified, also allows for creation of matched-set
VLUNs; this allows for more flexibility in creating template VLUNs to target ports that might not
exist yet.
The method signature is described below:
uint32 ExposedLUsToStorageHardwareIDCollection (
[Out] CIM_ConcreteJob ref Job,
[In] String LUNames[],
[In] String HostNames[],
[In] string TargetPortLPIDs[],
[In] String DeviceNumbers[],
[In] uint16 DeviceAccesses[],
[In/Out] CIM_SCSIProtocolController ref ProtocolController[],
[In] boolean Override,
[In] boolean NoVCN,
[Out] String ResultDescriptions[]);
Job: This is ignored since the storage system does not support job control.
LUNames[]: An array of IDs of logical unit instances. The LU instances must already exist. The
members of this array must match the Name property of StorageVolume instances.
HostNames[]: An array of names for the hosts (StorageHardwareIDCollection). Instances
MUST already exist. The members of this array MUST match the ElementName property of
TargetPortLPIDs[]: An array of target port LPIDs, in '<node>:<slot>:<port>' format. If this
is empty, then host-sees vlun is created; otherwise matched set vlun(s) is created.
DeviceNumbers[]: A list of logical unit numbers to assign to the corresponding logical unit in
the LUNames parameter. (within the context of the elements specified in the other parameters).
If the LUNames parameter is null, then this parameter must be null. If this parameter is NULL,
the logical unit number will be assigned by the system.
DeviceAccesses[]: A list of permissions to assign to the corresponding logical unit in the
LUNames parameter. This specifies the permission to assign within the context of the elements
specified in the other parameters. This is mandatory only to be consistent with other methods.
For the storage system, access permissions cannot be specified when creating a VLUN. Rather,
each volume has its own access permission. The ControllerConfigurationService
provider checks the passed in DeviceAccesses value against the permission of the specified
LU (volume), and the operation fails if the two values do not match.
ProtocolControllers[]: An array of references to SCSIProtocolControllers (SPCs). On
input, this can be null, or contain exactly one SPC; there may be multiple references on output.
If null on input, the instrumentation creates one or more new SPC instances. If SPC is included
84 CIM API SMI-S Support