HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

on input, this can either be reference to TPD_SCSIController for FC host or
TPD_iSCSIController for iSCSI host
Override: Override existing lower priority VLUNs, if necessary. Can be used only when
exporting to a specific host. This parameter is a vendor-specific extension for 3PAR. The default
value is false.
NoVCN: Do not issue a VLUN (Virtual Logical Unit Number) Change Notification (VCN) after
export. For direct connect or loop configuration, a VCN consists of a fibre channel Loop
Initialization Primitive (LIP). For fabric configuration a VCN consists of Registered State Change
Notification (RSCN) being sent to the fabric controller. This parameter is a vendor-specific
extension. The default value is false.
ResultDescriptions[]: An array of descriptive text of the result of the operation, with each entry
containing the result of each expose path operation. This parameter is a vendor-specific
Table 72 ExposeLUsToStorageHardwareIDCollection Use Cases
(On input)
DeviceAccessesDeviceNumbersTargetPortLPIDsHostNamesLUNamesUse Cases
NULLMandatoryMandatory for
2.2.4 and
OptionalMandatoryMandatoryCreate a new
optional for
2.3.1 and
Parameters Override and NoVCN are optional. All other combinations of the parameters are
There is one use case of ExposeLUsToStorageHardwareIDCollection() method (See
Table 72 (page 85)).
Creating a new view: this creates host-sees VLUN if TargetPortLPIDs is NULL, or matched-set
VLUN if TargetPortLPIDs is specified. ProtocolControllers parameter must be NULL.
HideLUsFromStorageHardwareIDCollection(Removing Host-Sees VLUNs)
HideLUsFromStorageHardwareIDCollection()is a method that is similar to HidePaths,
except that it hides volumes from all host HBA initiator ports on the specified hosts.
This operation is similar to removevlun of host-sees VLUNs. For matched-set VLUNs, see
HidePaths. For port-present VLUNs, see HideDefaultLUs.
The method signature is described below:
uint32 HideLUsFromStorageHardwareIDCollection (
[Out] CIM_ConcreteJob ref Job,
[In] String LUNames[],
[In] String DeviceNumbers[],
[In/Out] CIM_SCSIProtocolController ref ProtocolController[],
[In] boolean NoVCN,
[Out] String ResultDescriptions[]);
Job: This is ignored since the storage system does not support job control.
LUNames[]: An array of IDs of logical unit instances. The LU instances must already exist. The
members of this array must match the Name property of StorageVolume instances.
DeviceNumbers[]: A list of logical unit numbers corresponding to the logical unit in the LUNames
parameter. This is a vendor-specific extension and is optional.
Masking and Mapping Subprofile 85