HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

ProtocolControllers[]:An array of references to SCSIProtocolControllers (SPCs). On
input, this must contain exactly one SPC. On output, this is the set of SPCs affected. If SPC is
included on input, this can either be reference to TPD_SCSIController for a FC host or
TPD_iSCSIController for an iSCSI host.
NoVCN: Do not issue a VLUN (Virtual Logical Unit Number) Change Notification (VCN) after
removal. For direct connect or loop configuration, a VCN consists of a fibre channel Loop
Initialization Primitive (LIP). For fabric configuration a VCN consists of Registered State Change
Notification (RSCN) being sent to the fabric controller. This parameter is a vendor-specific
extension. The default value is false.
ResultDescriptions[]: An array of descriptive text of the result of the operation, with each entry
containing the result of each hide path operation. This parameter is a vendor-specific extension
Table 73 HideLUsFromStorageHardwareIDCollection Use Cases
ProtocolControllers (On input)LUNamesUse Cases
Contains a single SPC refMandatoryRemove LUs from a view
Parameters DeviceNumbers and NoVCN are optional. All other combinations of the parameters
are rejected.
The use cases are:
Remove volumes from a view: the volume has been exported to an SPC, it’ll be removed from
the SPC (e.g., it won’t be accessible from host HBA anymore).
StorageHardwareIDManagementService provides methods for manipulating instances of
StorageHardwareIDs and manipulating the trust of these IDs in the underlying storage system.
This class enables clients to create and delete StorageHardwareID, create
StorageHardwareIDCollection and add StorageHardwareID to a collection. A client
can get a handle of StorageHardwareIDManagementService by using a HostedService
association from ComputerSystem (StorageSystem).
Here is a brief summary of the methods and their corresponding CLI commands:
Table 74 StorageHardwareIDManagementService Methods and CLI Equivalents
CommentsCLI EquivalenceMethods
Only 1 host HBA WWN/iscsiName
(StorageID) can be specified at a
createhost hostname WWNCreateStorageHardwareID
time for CreateStorageHardwareID
Only 1 host HBA WWN/iscsiName
(StorageID ) can be deleted at a time
removehost hostname WWNDeleteStorageHardwareID
for DeleteStorageHardwareID
createhost hostname [WWN …]CreateStorageHardwareIDCollection
createhost –add hostname WWN…AddHardwareIDsToCollection
Delete the entire host and any path to
the host (StorageHardwareID).
removehost hostnameStorageHardwareIDCollection.DeleteInstance
86 CIM API SMI-S Support