HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 MU2 Patch 19 Upgrade Instructions

6 Install the Patch on the HP 3PAR OS
1. From the SPMAINT main menu, enter: 7 (Interactive CLI for an InServ) and then
select the storage system to start an interactive CLI.
TIP: If you are installing the patch from a VSP, click SPmaint from the left column menu of
the SPOCC home page, and then click 7 to start an interactive CLI.
2. Enter:
upgradesys -load /sp/prod/data/updates/os/patch/3.1.2/P19.patch
3. Wait until the update is complete and verify that the output displays: Update successful.
4. Enter: showversion -a -b
5. Verify that the Patches entry (under the Patches: entry) displays P19.
Release version
Patches: P19
Component Name Version
CLI Server (MU2)
CLI Client
System Manager (MU2)
Kernel (MU2)
TPD Kernel Code (MU2)
If the correct patch is listed, the patch is successfully applied to the OS.
6. Continue to “Review the Patch Information” (page 14).