3PAR CIM API Programming Reference for InForm OS 2.3.1 (320-200164 Rev B, February 2010)

Masking and Mapping Subprofile
CIM API Programming Reference
This operation is similar to removevlun of port-present VLUNs. For matched-set VLUNs, see
HidePaths. For host-sees VLUNs, see HideLUsFromStorageHardwareIDCollection.
The method signature is described below:
uint32 HideDefaultLUs (
[Out] CIM_ConcreteJob ref Job,
[In] String LUNames[],
[In] String TargetPortIDs[],
[In] String DeviceNumbers[],
[In/Out] CIM_SCSIProtocolController ref
[In] boolean NoVCN,
[Out] String ResultDescriptions[]);
Job: This is ignored since InServ does not support job control.
LUNames[]: An array of IDs of logical unit instances. The LU instances must already exist.
The members of this array must match the Name property of
StorageVolume instances.
TargetPortIDs[]: IDs of target ports (InServ’s front-end FC port). This has to be NULL.
DeviceNumbers[]: A list of logical unit numbers corresponding to the logical unit in the
LUNames parameter. This is a 3PAR vendor-specific extension and therefore is optional.
ProtocolControllers[]:An array of references to SCSIProtocolControllers (SPCs). On
input, this must contain exactly one default SPC. On output, this is the set of SPCs affected.
NoVCN: Do not issue a VLUN (Virtual Logical Unit Number) Change Notification (VCN) after
removal. For direct connect or loop configuration, a VCN consists of a fibre channel Loop
Initialization Primitive (LIP). For fabric configuration a VCN consists of Registered State
Change Notification (RSCN) being sent to the fabric controller. This parameter is a vendor-
specific extension for 3PAR. The default value is false.
ResultDescriptions[]: An array of descriptive text of the result of the operation, with each
entry containing the result of each hide path operation. This parameter is a vendor-specific
extension for 3PAR.