3PAR CIM API Programming Reference for InForm OS 2.3.1 (320-200164 Rev B, February 2010)

InForm OS Version 2.3.1 CIM API Programming Reference
"the instrumentation MUST return a 'Invalid Parameter' "
"status or a CIM_Error. \n"
"When hiding logical units, 3PAR InServ array supports only "
"the Remove LUs from a view use case. "
"Remove LUs from a view requires that the "
"LUNames parameter not be null.\n"
"The SPC is automatically deleted when the last logical unit "
"is removed since SPCAllowsNoLUs is false."),
ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6..4095", "4096",
"4097", "4098", "4099", "4100..32767", "32768..65535" },
Values { "Success", "Not Supported", "Unspecified Error",
"Timeout", "Failed", "Invalid Parameter", "DMTF Reserved",
"Method Parameters Checked - Job Started",
"Invalid logical unit ID", "Invalid host name",
"Maximum Map Count Error", "Method Reserved",
"Vendor Specific" }]
uint32 HideLUsFromStorageHardwareIDCollection (
[IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
"Reference to the job if 'Method Parameters Checked - Job "
"Started' is returned (MAY be null if job completed).")]
CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job,
[Required, IN, Description (
"A list of IDs of logical units. Each LU instance MUST "
"already exist. See the method description for conditions "
"where this MAY be null."),
ModelCorrespondence {
string LUNames[],
[IN, Description (
"A list of logical unit numbers that corresponds to "
"logical unit in the LUNames parameter. "
"(within the context of the elements specified in the "
"other parameters). This parameter is a vendor-specific "
"extension for 3PAR. Use of this parameter is optional, "
"but its use enhance efficiency of the HideDefaultLUs "
ModelCorrespondence {
string DeviceNumbers[],
[IN, OUT, Description (