HP 3PAR Recovery Manager 1.1.0 Software for Microsoft Hyper-V User Guide (QL226-96343, June 2013)

Success Paths
Scenario 1: Login is successful.
Login to a specified Hyper-V host is successful.
Failure Paths
Scenario 1: Session owner is invalid.
Every session command received on RMH Server is validated to originate from the same IP
address that initiated the session. If IP does not match, the command fails.
Scenario 2: Cannot communicate with host.
RMH Server cannot communicate with a specified Hyper-V host.
Scenario 3: Login failure on Hyper-V host.
RMH Server cannot authenticate with the specified Hyper-V host.
Scenario 4: Storage System session credentials are invalid.
Storage System session credentials provided are invalid.
Scenario 5: Storage System credentials are already specified.
User has already logged in with specified Storage System.
Scenario 6: Cannot start RMH session.
A Hyper-V is required to fetch VMs.
Scenario 2: Unable to fetch Hyper-V.
Failure occurred to start session. Reason displayed.
The optional logout-Rmh Cmdlet logs off the user from the application.
The user must first login with Login-Rmh.
Any optional parameters require square brackets [ ] around them.
Logout-Rmh -RmhServerName <RmhServerName> [-Remove]
Table 45 Logout-Rmh parameters
Host name of the RMH Server. This is
FQDN or IP address.
If specified, RMH user along with
Hyper-V host/cluster and Storage
System credentials will be removed from
RMH credentials repository.
Logout-Rmh 73