HP 3PAR Web Service API 1.3.1 Developer's Guide

Table 110 parameters JSON Object Members for Creating a Physical Copy of a VV set (continued)
DescriptionIgnored ValuesAPI TypeJSON TypeMember
(Since WSAPI 1.3)The default is medium.
Physical Copy of VV Set Creation Success
A successful operation returns the HTTP status code 201 Created.
The location portion of the response header contains the URI for the newly created physical copy
of the VV set, in the following format:
The message body returns an array of child, parent, and task ID for each VV in the parent VV set,
as shown in Table 111 (page 122).
Table 111 Task ID JSON Objects for Creating a Physical Copy of a VV Set or for Resynchronizing
a Physical Copy to a VV Set
DescriptionAPI TypeJSON TypeMember
Specifies the destination
Specifies the parent volume.name31stringparent
The task ID for the
physical-cop task.
For information about checking the status of a physical-copying task, see “Getting Task Status
(page 130).
Physical Copy of VV set Creation Errors
Possible error codes for creating physical copies of VV sets are shown in Table 112 (page 122)
and in Table 105 (page 114). For generic API error codes, see Table 5 (page 22)
Table 112 Error Codes for Creating a Physical Copy of a VV Set
DescriptionHTTP CodeAPI Error
The set does not exist.404 Not FoundNON_EXISTENT_SET
(Since WSAPI 1.3)
The set sizes are different.400 Bad RequestSET_SIZE_NOT_SAME
(Since WSAPI 1.3)
The VV set is empty.400 Bad RequestINV_INPUT_EMPTY_VVSET
(Since WSAPI 1.3)
Resynchronizing or Stopping a Physical Copy of a VV Set
To resynchronize a physical copy of a VV set to its parent volume set, use the HTTP PUT method
on the following URI:
where <volume_set_name> is the name of the destination VV set being resynchronized. The
message body has a single JSON object member, action.
For resynchronizing a physical-copy request, the message body can have priority and action
JSON object member, as shown in Table 113 (page 123).
122 Performing Copy Operations