HP 3PAR Web Service API 1.3.1 Developer's Guide

10 Working with System, Version, and Task Information
This chapter describes how to get information about:
The storage system as a whole
System configuration
System version
Querying tasks
Modifying tasks
Getting Storage System Information
To query for storage system information, use the HTTP GET method in the URI, with no message
NOTE: Getting system-wide storage-system information became available with WSAPI 1.2.
Storage-system Query Success
Upon a successful query for storage-system information, the HTTP code 200 OK is returned.
Unless an internal server error occurs, the response includes a message body specified in
Table 117 (page 127).
Table 117 JSON Objects for Storage-system Query Response
DescriptionAPI TypeJSON TypeMember
System ID.uint32numberid
System name.name31stringname
System IPv4 address.name31stringIPv4Addr
System IPv6 address.print511stringIPv6Addr
System model.name31stringmodel
System serial number.name31stringserialNumber
Storage system software version
Total number of nodes in the system.uint32numbertotalNodes
Master node ID.uint32numbermasterNode
Node IDs online.array of uint32array of numberonlineNodes
Node IDs in clusterarray of uint32array of numberclusterNodes
Chunklet size.uint32numberchunkletSize
Total capacity (MiB) in the system.uint32numbertotalCapacityMiB
Allocated capacity (MiB) in the
Free capacity (MiB) in the system.uint32numberfreeCapacityMiB
Failed capacity (MiB) in the system.uint32numberfailedCapacityMiB
Location of the system.print511stringlocation
Getting Storage System Information 127