HP 3PAR Web Service API 1.3.1 Developer's Guide

Table 149 QoS priority Enumeration
The QoS priority is low.1LOW
The QoS priority is normal.2NORMAL
The QoS priority is high.3HIGH
All-QoS Rule Query Errors
For generic API error codes, see Table 5 (page 22).
Querying a Single QoS Rule
To query for information about a single QoS, use the HTTP GET method on the following URI:
targetType can be vvset or sys.
targetName is the name of target . When targetType is sys, targetName must be
Single QoS-Rule Query Success
Upon a successful single QoS-rule query, HTTP code 200 OK is returned, together with the following
Only one QoS rule can be assigned to a QoS target object, so single-instance QoS queries always
return only one object, as shown in Table 150 (page 147).
Table 150 Message Body JSON Object Member for Single QoS-Rule Query
DescriptionAPI TypeJSON Type
QoS properties.QoSProperty objectobject
NOTE: Only one QoS rule can be assigned to a QoS target object, so a single-instance query
always returns only a single object.
Single QoS-Rule Query Errors
Table 151 (page 147) shows possible QoS rule query errors. For generic API error codes, see
Table 5 (page 22).
Table 151 QoS Rule Query Error Codes
DescriptionHTTP CodeAPI Code
QoS rule does not exist.404 Not FoundNON_EXISTENT_QOS_RULE
Since WSAPI 1.3
Illegal character in the input.400 Bad RequestINV_INPUT_ILLEGAL_CHAR
Querying QoS Rules 147