HP 3PAR Web Service API 1.3.1 Developer's Guide

Single-CPG Query Success
Upon a successful single-CPG query, the HTTP code 200 OK is returned.
Unless an error occurs, the response includes JSON objects as specified in Table 25 (page 50).
Single-CPG Query Errors
Possible error codes for a single-CPG query are shown in Table 27 (page 51). For generic API
error codes, see Table 5 (page 22).
Table 27 Single-CPG Query Error Codes
DescriptionHTTP CodeAPI Error
CPG does not exist.404 Not FoundNON_EXISTENT_CPG
(Since WSAPI 1.2)
CPG name contains invalid character.400 Bad RequestINV_INPUT_ILLEGAL_CHAR
(Since WSAPI 1.2)
Querying CPG Information 51