HP 3PAR Web Service API 1.3.1 Developer's Guide

Table 73 The members Object of the SetObjectProperty JSON Array for Host-Set or VV-Set
Query Response (continued)
DescriptionAPI TypeJSON TypeMember
Comment for the set.Print255stringcomment
The members of the set.array of name31array of stringsetmembers
All-Host-Sets or All-VV-Sets Query Errors
For generic API error codes, see Table 5 (page 22).
Querying a Single Host Set or a Single VV Set
To query information about a single host set, use the HTTP GET method on the following URI,
without a message body:
To query information about a single VV set, use the HTTP GET method on the following URI, without
a message body:
Single-Host-Set or Single-VV-Set Query Success
Unless an internal server error occurs, a single-instance query returns a SetObject, with members
as shown in Table 73 (page 89).
Single-Host Set or Single-VV Set Query Errors
If an error occurs, the system returns one of the error codes shown in Table 74 (page 90), or a
general error code as shown in Table 5 (page 22).
Table 74 Host or VV Set Removal Error Codes
DescriptionHTTP CodeAPI Error
The set does not exists.404 Not FoundNON_EXISTENT_SET
(Since WSAPI 1.3)
90 Working with Host Sets and VV Sets