HP 3PAR Web Service API 1.3.1 Developer's Guide

Table 95 URI Parameters for VLUN Removal (continued)
DescriptionIgnored Values
URI Parameter
Name of the host or host set to which the volume
or VV set is to be exported. For VLUN of port
type, the value is empty.
None (required if volume is exported to host or
host set, or to both the host or host set and port)
The host set should be in
set:{hostset_name} format.
Specifies the system port of the VLUN export. It
includes the system node number, PCI bus slot
None (required if volume is exported to port, or
to both host and port)
number, and card port number on the FC card
in the format:
Can be replaced with a Boolean value:None<option>
Must be percent encoded as in RFC 3968 for reserved characters.
VLUN Removal Success
A successful removal returns the HTTP status code 200 OK, with no message body.
VLUN Removal Errors
An error state returns one of the errors shown in Table 96 (page 105). For generic API error codes,
see Table 5 (page 22).
Table 96 VLUN Removal Error Codes
DescriptionHTTP CodeAPI Error
Incomplete VLUN information.400 Bad RequestINV_INPUT
Invalid URL percent encoding.
(Since WSAPI 1.2)
Specified hostname not found.404 Not FoundNON_EXISTENT_HOST
Incorrect LUN or volumeName404 Not FoundNON_EXISTENT_VLUN
Specified port is invalid.400 Bad RequestINV_INPUT_PORT_SPECIFICATION
The LUN specified exceeds expected
Incomplete VLUN info.
Missing volumeName or lun, or both
hostname and port.
Incorrect LUN or volumeName404 Not FoundNON_EXISTENT_VLUN
VLUN Removal Example
In the following example, the VLUN for volume test_vv02 with LUN 252, which is exported to
mysystem through port 2:5:2, is deleted. The optional port information is also sent because the
VLUN is of matched type.
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/v1/vluns/test_vv02,252,mysystem,2:2:4 HTTP/1.1
Host: storsys1.example.com:8080
Removing a VLUN 105