HP 3PAR Policy Server Installation and Setup Guide (QR483-96004, December 2012)

Figure 2 Three assets under HP 3PAR Policy Server management
Essentials for Working with HSQL Database
The HSQL database server provides a standalone, open source, Java-based relational database
to store and manage the Policy Server configurations. For more information about HSQLDB v2.2,
refer to the documentation list at http://www.hsqldb.org/doc/2.0. This section provides the basic
information you need before using the HSQL database with HP 3PAR Policy Server.
HP 3PAR Policy Server uses the "file:" type of catalog (database), which stores data in file system
files. For example, the database named "myHP3PS" consists of the following files:
ContainsFile name
Configuration property/value pairs for the database.myHP3PS.properties
Definition of tables and other database objects, and data for non-cached tables.myHP3PS.script
Recent changes to the database. This file is removed during a normal shutdown of the database.
If the database does not shut down normally, this file is saved and used at the next startup to
redo the changes.
Data for cached tables. For some catalogs, this file may not be present.myHP3PS.data
A compressed copy of the last known consistent state of the data file. Note that for some
catalogs, this file may not be present.
You will be directed to install the database using the Policy Server installation program. The
installation program configures the database server for use with Policy Server and creates all the
tables for the Policy Server database. The installer can also install the HSQL database server as a
service and start the database immediately after installation. For all new installations, HP
recommends that you allow the installation program to perform these tasks.
CAUTION: During normal operations, you may see files with the file name extension .new after
shutting down the database. These files are temporary, created by the database engine at shutdown.
The engine renames these files to those in the table above. NEVER delete these files. The database
engine removes them at the next startup. If you see a data file with the file name extension .old”
(for example, myaps.data.xxx.old), you can delete the file.
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