HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator's Manual: HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 (QR482-96525, September 2013)

cli% canceltask 1
Are you sure you want to cancel task 1?
select q=quit y=yes n=no: y
cli% tunevv -restart testvol
Task 2 started.
Note that the tune_vv_restart task is a new task and receives a new task ID number.
After restarting the tunevv operation, you can use the showtask command to see the cancelled
and restarted tasks:
cli% showtask
Id Type Name Status Phase Step --------Start_Time------ ------Finish_Time-------
1 tune_vv testvol cancelled 2/3 8/8 Thu Oct 07 19:55:33 EDT 2004 Thu Oct 07 19:56:54
EDT 2004
2 tune_vv_restart testvol active 1/2 0/8 Thu Oct 07 19:57:23 EDT 2004 -
For tune_vv_restart tasks, there are two phases:
Phase 1—Performing the actual region moves.
Phase 2—Deleting the information stored in Phase 1 of the corresponding tune_vv task.
The number of steps in the phase is equal to the number of regions being moved.
For more information about the tunevv command, see “Performance Tuning” (page 173).
NOTE: The tune_vv task type and tunevv CLI command require the HP 3PAR Dynamic
Optimization Software license.
The tune_vv_rollback task type is used to track tunevv rollback operations performed
with the System Tuner tunevv rollback command. The tunevv rollback command enables
you to reverse any changes that resulted from a previously interrupted tunevv operation.
The following examples shows how to start, cancel, and then rollback a tunevv operation on
virtual volume testvol:
cli% tunevv -t r5 -ha mag testvol
Task 3 started.
cli% canceltask 1
Are you sure you want to cancel task 3?
select q=quit y=yes n=no: y
cli% tunevv -rollback testvol
Task 4 started.
Note that the tune_vv_rollback task is a new task and takes a new task ID number.
You cannot start a tune_vv_rollback task for a tunevv operation that completed successfully.
The following error message appears:
cli% tunevv -rollback testvol2
Are you sure you want to rollback the tune process for VV 'testvol2' ?
select y=yes n=no: y
Task Types 135