HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator's Manual: HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 (QR482-96525, September 2013)

Figure 14 VVset Icon for QoS Configuration
For VVset QoS configuration, the Target Type field in the Configure QoS dialog box has a second
value, System (see Figure 15 (page 157)).
Figure 15 System Target Type in Configure QoS Dialog Box
A System target-type rule governs all VVsets and VVs that are not subject to explicit QoS rules.
You must be very careful when defining the limits for the ‘System Target Type. To ensure that at
least some IOPS and bandwidth is available to all the volumes under this rule, HP 3PAR Priority
Optimization enforces a minimum value for the I/O limit of 1000 IOs/sec and 100,000 KBs/sec
for the bandwidth limit, although these limits may be far too low for some environments. If lower
values are entered, a popup message appears, showing information about the minimum values,
and closes the configuration window. If the System QoS rule is configured, its defined values will
show up in the configuration window, and changes can be made to it. Figure 16 (page 158)shows
how the System target is displayed in the QoS tree in the Provisioning pane in the HP 3PAR MC.
Using HP 3PAR Priority Optimization 157