HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator's Manual: HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 (QR482-96525, September 2013)

Table 23 Edit Rights (continued)
Description of RightRight
Create a virtual volume set.vvset_create
Set virtual volume set properties.vvset_set
Service Role
Table 24 Service Rights
Description of RightRight
Remove alerts.alert_remove
Set alert properties.alert_set
Set battery properties.battery_set
Locate a drive cage.cage_locate
Set cage properties.cage_set
Upgrade cage firmware.cage_upgrade
Move chunklets from one physical disk to another.ch_move
Move chunklets from a physical disk to spare space.ch_movetospare
Set CIM server properties.cim_set
Starts the CIM server.cim_start
Set Common Provision Group properties.cpg_set
Set system date and time properties.date_set
Check the current health of the system.health_check
Service a host.host_service
Create an LD.ld_create
Remove an LD.ld_remove
Start an LD.ld_start
Take magazines or disks on or off a loop.mag_control
Service a magazine or physical disk.mag_service
Locate a controller node by blinking its LEDs.node_locate
Service a controller node.node_service
Set controller node properties.node_set
Shutdown a controller node.node_shutdown
Check a user's own password.password_checkown
Set a user's own password.password_setown
Admit a physical disk to the system.pd_admit
Spin up or spin down a physical disk.pd_control
Dismiss a physical disk from the system.pd_dismiss
Move relocated chunklets from one physical disk to another.pd_movereloc
Move used chunklets from a physical disk to spare space.pd_movetospare
Service Role 191