HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator's Manual: HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 (QR482-96525, September 2013)

4. Issue the setauthparam account-name-attr sAMAccount command.
5. Issue the setauthparam memberof-attr memberOf command.
NOTE: You must know the user’s password in order to successfully use the checkpassword
6. Issue the checkpassword command to obtain information about the user’s group memberships
from the LDAP server.
% ldapsearch -LLL -x -H ldaps:// -D 'NTDOM1\joeadmin' -W -b
DC=3par,DC=com -s sub '(cn=3PARuser)' dn
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: CN=3PAR User,OU=Engineering,OU=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
The example above corresponds to Step 1, and displays the following:
joadmin is the user name of the NT Windows domain (NTDOM1) administrator searching for
group information for user 3PARuser (cn=3PAR User).
dn: CN=3PAR User,OU=Engineering,OU=Users,DC=3par,DC=com displays user
locations in the LDAP server directory information tree.
system1 cli% setauthparam -f accounts-dn OU=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
system1 cli% setauthparam -f account-obj user
system1 cli% setauthparam -f account-name-attr sAMAccountName
system1 cli% setauthparam -f memberof-attr memberOf
The example above corresponds to Step 2 through Step 5.
The Users group within the 3par group is set as the basis for any user search when
authenticating with the LDAP server.
The values user, SAMAccountName, and memberOf for the account-obj,
account-name-attr, and memberof-attr parameters are typical of Active Directory
system1 cli% checkpassword 3paruser
+ attempting authentication and authorization using system-local data
+ authentication denied: unknown username
+ attempting authentication and authorization using LDAP
+ connecting to LDAP server using URI: ldaps://
+ simple bind to LDAP user 3paruser for DN
+ searching LDAP using:
search base: ou=people,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=3paruser))
for attributes: gidNumber
+ search result DN: uid=3paruser,ou=people,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
+ search result: gidNumber: 2345
+ searching LDAP using:
search base: ou=groups,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
for attributes: cn
+ search result DN: cn=software,ou=groups,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
+ search result: cn: software
+ search result DN: cn=engineering,ou=groups,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
+ search result: cn: engineering
Configuring LDAP Connections 25