HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator's Manual: HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 (QR482-96525, September 2013)

Example using the domain-name-prefix parameter:
system cli% setauthparam domain-name-attr description
system cli% setauthparam domain-name-prefix SystemDomain=
The example above corresponds to the second bullet in Step 2. As shown, SystemDomain= is
the start point of the domain name search within the information returned from the
domain-name-attr description parameter described above. The text following
SystemDomain= is treated as the potential domain name.
system1 cli% checkpassword 3paruser
+ temporarily setting name-to-address mapping: domaincontroller.3par.com ->
+ attempting to obtain credentials for 3paruser@NTDOM1.3PAR.COM
+ connecting to LDAP server using URI: ldap://
+ binding to user 3paruser with SASL mechanism GSSAPI
+ searching LDAP using:
search base: OU=Users,DC=3par,DC=COM
filter: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=3paruser))
for attributes: memberOf
+ search result DN: CN=3PAR User,OU=Eng,OU=Users,DC=3par,DC=COM
+ search result: memberOf: CN=Software,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
+ search result: memberOf: CN=Eng,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
+ mapping rule: edit mapped to by CN=Software,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
+ rule match: edit mapped to by CN=Software,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
+ mapping rule: browse mapped to by CN=Eng,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
+ rule match: browse mapped to by CN=Eng,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
+ searching LDAP using:
search base: CN=Software,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
filter: (objectClass=group)
for attributes: description
+ search result DN: CN=Software,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
+ search result: description: Software
+ group "CN=Software,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com" has potential domain Software
+ searching LDAP using:
search base: CN=Eng,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
filter: (objectClass=group)
for attributes: description
+ search result DN: CN=Eng,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com
+ search result: description: Engineering Group, SystemDomain=engineering-group-dom
+ group "CN=Eng,CN=Users,DC=3par,DC=com" has potential domain engineering-group-dom
(transformed from "Engineering Group, SystemDomain=engineering-group-dom")
+ domain match: Engineering mapped to browse
+ domain match: Software mapped to edit
user 3paruser is authenticated and authorized
40 Managing User Accounts and Connections