HP 3PAR SmartStart 1.2 Release Notes (QL226-96853, June 2013)

Quotation marks (“)
Opening ([) and closing (]) square brackets
1.4.7 SmartStart fails to validate remote folder names that have multiple blank spaces
(Issue 88779)
Folders on a remote host are not validated correctly if their names contain consecutive spaces.
Workaround: When mounting a volume in a folder on a remote host using the Add virtual volumes
to Windows wizard, ensure that the folder's name does not contain consecutive spaces.
1.4.8 SmartStart cannot connect to remote host with non-default Administrator account
(Issue 88371)
The SmartStart host configuration and Add virtual volumes to Windows wizards fail to connect to a
remote host as a user other than the built-in Administrator.
Workaround: Due to security policies present in Windows Server, users other than the built-in
Administrator may lose their administrative privilege when they manage a remote host. The built-in
Administrator user is not affected by this policy.
1.4.9 SmartStart fails to install Host Explorer on remote host if run from a local folder
with a certain name (Issue 86823)
SmartStart fails to install Host Explorer on a remote host if SmartStart is running in a folder with a name
that contains certain non-alphanumeric characters.
Workaround: If SmartStart is copied from its CD to a folder on a hard drive, ensure that the folder's
name does not contain the following characters:
Ampersand (&)
Open (() or close ()) parentheses
Open ([) or close (]) brackets
Open ({) or close (}) curly brackets
Open single quote (`)
Space ( )
1.4 Known Issues with HP 3PAR SmartStart 5