IPv6 Configuration Guide K/KA/KB.15.15

Provides a route that is used as a backup route for discarding traffic where the primary
route is unavailable. A configured null route consists of:
Destination network address or host and a corresponding network mask
Either the reject keyword (traffic dropped with ICMP notification to the sender) or
blackhole keyword (traffic dropped without any ICMP notification).
Non-default null routes created with the reject or blackhole keywords use a gateway of
zero (0).
Figure 15 (page 185) illustrates the default and configured null route entries in the switch's routing
Static routing default settings
The routing switch applies default administrative distance and metric values to ensure that static
routes are preferred over dynamic routes to the same destination.
Administrative distance
In the case of static routes, this is the value the routing switch uses to compare a static route to
routes from other route sources to the same destination before placing a route in the routing
table. The default administrative distance for static routes is 1, but can be configured to any
value in the range of 1 to 255.
In the case of static routes, this is the value the routing switch uses when comparing a static
route to routes in the routing table from any dynamic routes to the same destination. The metric
for static routes is fixed, that is, always set to "1".
Static route states follow VLAN states
Static routes remain in the routing table only while the interface link to the next-hop router is up. If
the next-hop router interface link goes down, the software removes the static route from the routing
table. If the next-hop interface comes up again, the software adds the route back to the routing
This feature allows the routing switch to adjust to changes in network topology. The routing switch
does not continue trying to use routes on unreachable paths, but instead uses routes only when
their paths are reachable.
Static routes for ECMP applications
Equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP) is a routing strategy where next-hop packet forwarding to a
single destination can occur over multiple "best paths." Each path has the same cost as the other
paths, but a different next-hop router. In static routing, load-balancing can be achieved through
ECMP. Figure 15 (page 185) illustrates static routes applied to an ECMP topology.
184 IPv6 Static Routing