HP IO Accelerator Driver and Management Software Version 2.2.1 Release Notes

Errata 14
fio-update-iodrive shows wrong version number
When upgrading the firmware version on driver Version 1.2.7 or earlier, the fio-update-iodrive utility
reports an incorrect new version number. For example, when updating from firmware version 41936 to
42527, the utility displays the following message:
# ./fio-update-iodrive -f -s 05:00.0 /home/fio/firmware/iodrive_42527.fff
Device ID 0 (05:00.0) Updating device firmware from 41936 to 5
However, the firmware update is successful and the device operates with the updated firmware version
Linux-specific issues
The following issues apply only to systems running Linux operating systems.
Linux MD RAID5 performs poorly
HP does not recommend using a RAID5 configuration. The Linux kernel RAID5 implementation performs
poorly at high data rates. This issue must be fixed in the Linux kernel and is not controlled by HP. Alternatives
include using RAID10 or possibly a third-party RAID stack. The cause of the issue is believed to be that the
RAID5 parity calculation is handled by a single kernel thread, which does not match the performance of an
array of IO Accelerators.
Drivers not installed after updating kernel
When the driver is installed for a specific kernel version and the kernel version is changed for any reason, the
IO Accelerator driver must be reinstalled to work with the new kernel version. RHEL5 has some processes that
minimize the need to reinstall the driver after a kernel upgrade.
Rare error on driver unload using kernels older than 2.6.24
A bug in Linux kernels prior to 2.6.24 can cause a general protection fault or other kernel error when the IO
Accelerator driver is unloaded. This bug also affects non-HP drivers. The bug has been resolved in newer
kernels. See the kernel 2.6.24 change log
(http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/ChangeLog-2.6.24) for more information. Search for
commit 5a622f2d0f86b316b07b55a4866ecb5518dd1cf7.
Because this is a bug in the Linux kernel, HP cannot resolve this issue for older kernels.
ext4 in Kernel.org 2.6.33 or earlier might silently corrupt data
when discard (trim) is enabled
CAUTION: HP does not support the use of ext4 in Kernel.org 2.6.33 or earlier. Ext4 in
Kernel.org 2.6.33 or earlier might silently corrupt data when discard is enabled.