Data Center Fabric Manager Enterprise User Manual v10.3.X (53-1001357-01, November 2009)

744 DCFM Enterprise User Manual
Switch port
Field Definition Format Size
GROUP_ID* Foreign key to the PORT_TRUNK_GROUP table. INT
PORT_NUMBER* Member user port number. SMALLINT
WWN Member port WWN. CHAR 23
Field Definition Format Size
ID* int
LOGICAL_ID Logical ID of the switch. smallint
NAME Switch name. varchar 64
WWN WWN of the switch. char 23
VIRTUAL_FABRIC_ID Virtual fabric ID. If VF enabled then will have the
VFID; otherwise, it will be -1
DOMAIN_ID Domain ID of the switch. smallint
BASE_SWITCH 1 = this is a base switch; otherwise, 0. smallint
SWITCH_MODE 2 = switch is in AG mode; otherwise, 0. smallint
ROLE Role of the switch. varchar 32
FCS_ROLE FCS role of the switch. varchar 16
AD_CAPABLE 1 = switch is AD-capable. smallint
FABRIC_IDID_MODE Fabric IDID mode. smallint
OPERATIONAL_STATUS Operation status of switch. varchar 128
MAX_ZONE_CONFIG_SIZE Maximum size of zone configuration on the switch. int
CREATION_TIME Time at which this record was created. timestamp
LAST_UPDATE_TIME Time when this record was last updated. timestamp
USER_NAME User name of the switch. varchar 128
PASSWORD Password. varchar 128
MANAGEMENT_STATE Various states as per manageability software like the
Management application.
STATE State of the switch. varchar 32
STATUS Status of the switch. varchar 32
STATUS_REASON Reason for the status. varchar 2048
USER_DEFINED_VALUE_1 varchar 256
USER_DEFINED_VALUE_2 varchar 256
USER_DEFINED_VALUE_3 varchar 256
CORE_SWITCH_ID Core switch DB ID. int
INTEROP_MODE Mode in which this switch is operating. smallint