Data Center Fabric Manager Enterprise User Manual v10.3.X (53-1001357-01, November 2009)

DCFM Enterprise User Manual 293
Registering a host server
Registering a host server
You can register any host server as the Syslog destination on managed Fabric OS devices. You can
register different destinations for different fabrics.
To register a host server, complete the following steps.
1. Select Monitor > Syslog Configuration.
The Syslog Registration and Forwarding dialog box displays.
2. Click the Other Destination tab.
3. Select Add from the Action list.
4. Enter the IP address of the host server in the Syslog Destination IP Address field.
5. Select a fabric from the Targeted Fabric list.
6. Click OK on the Syslog Registration and Forwarding dialog box.
Removing a host server
You can remove any host server as the Syslog destination on managed Fabric OS devices.
To remove a host server, complete the following steps.
1. Select Monitor > Syslog Configuration.
The Syslog Registration and Forwarding dialog box displays.
2. Click the Other Destination tab.
3. Select Remove from the Action list.
4. Click OK on the Syslog Registration and Forwarding dialog box.
Adding a destination
You can forward Syslog events sent to this server to another destination on a different host.
To add a destination, complete the following steps.
1. Select Monitor > Syslog Configuration.
The Syslog Registration and Forwarding dialog box displays.
2. Click the Syslog Forwarding tab.
3. Click Add.
The Add/Edit Syslog Recipient dialog box displays.
a. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the Syslog recipient.
b. In the IP Address field, enter the Syslog recipient’s IP address.
The Management application accepts IP addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 formats.
c. Enter the Syslog recipient’s TCP/IP port number, in the port field.
d. Click OK on the Add/Edit Syslog Recipient dialog box.
4. Click OK on the Syslog Registration and Forwarding dialog box.