HP ProLiant Essentials RDMA for HP Multifunction NICs User Guide

Configuration 15
WinSock Direct Pinging over SAN path with 32 bytes of
Reply from bytes=32 time= 238
Reply from bytes=32 time= 126
Reply from bytes=32 time= 119
Reply from bytes=32 time= 124
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0 percent loss)
Examine the first server screen for the following successful client connection information:
Waiting for clients to connect to: : 11177
Client connected over SAN : : 1069
Client disconnected : : 1069
A wsdping.exe test for RDMA functionality that does not return data similar to the output listed above
indicates that RDMA is not functioning correctly.
Failed wsdping.exe RDMA functionality test
Possible reasons for a failed wsdping.exe RDMA functionality test include:
1. The SAN hardware interface drivers may not be installed correctly.
Solution: Contact the vendor to verify that you have the correct drivers installed and the driver setup
is correct.
2. The server may be running a Windows operating system version that does not support WinSock
Solution: Verify that the current Windows operating system supports WinSock Direct.
If you do not have SAN hardware, but still want to run the wsdping.exe utility, then:
Launch both client and server side with the wsdping.exe -f option.
Type wsdping -? for more details.
Disabling an HP RDMA device
To disable an RDMA device, complete the following steps.