Intel Server Management (ISM) Installation and User's Guide, Version 5.5.5 - HP Carrier-Grade Server cc3310

Intel Server Management (ISM) Installation and User's Guide
Serial Data and the Command Line Interface
Command Switches Description
The boot command sets the IPMI boot options and resets the system.
This command is different then the IPMI set boot command.
This command attempts a graceful shutdown of the OS before
resetting. With no parameters this is the same as shutdown –r.
boot –f
: Forces a hard reset (no graceful shutdown). With no additional
parameters this is the equivalent of shutdown –rf.
boot (normal | service):
This command can also have the –f option. Sets
the needed boot flags for use on the next boot.
This command only sets the required boot flags. If BIOS does not
support the required boot flags it will have no effect on the boot
-R –F
Shutdown = Graceful OS shutdown and power-off
Shutdown –f = Forced system power-off
Shutdown –r = Graceful OS shutdown then a system hard reset
Shutdown –r -f = Forced system hard reset
-ON [# of
Instructs the server to signal its location by turning on the LED or
IDENTIFY = enables the server to identify itself for 15 seconds.
IDENTIFY ON = enables the server to identify itself for 15 seconds.
IDENTIFY ON XX = Causes the BMC to signal the system’s location
for a specific amount of time. XX is a hex-ASCII byte representing the
number of seconds the BMC is to cause the system to identify itself. If
XX is 00 the BMC will signal the system’s location until a request to
stop (via the IDENTIFY OFF command, other software commands or
the ID Button) is received.
IDENTIFY OFF = Causes the BMC to stop signaling the system’s
location. This has no effect if the system is not currently identifying
IDENTIFY –S = Displays the current identify state and source of
ON (Application)
ON (Button)
Software execution will make the system ID LED blink. Hardware
execution (front panel switch) will make it go on solid.
If the software has already turned on the ID LED (the ID LED will be
blinking) then the hardware ID LED button will do the following:
0- software turns on the LED to blinking.
1- Pressing the hardware LED button will turn the LED OFF.
2- Pressing the hardware LED button a second time will turn the LED
on solid.