HP P6000 Cluster Extension Software Administrator Guide (5697-2274, November 2012)

storage system A pair of HSV controllers and the array of physical disks they control. A storage system may
contain vdisks that are sources as well as vdisks that are destinations. Sometimes used in context
as follows:
Source storage system – Used in the context of a particular DR group, this is the storage
system at which the source vdisk resides.
Destination storage system – Used in the context of a particular DR group, this is the storage
system at which the destination vdisk resides.
The transparent abstraction of storage at the block level. It separates out logical data access from
physical per disk, or per array, data access.
synchronous mode The mode of operation of a DR group where the data is written to the source and destination
caches, after which a completion acknowledgement is sent to the host. See also DR group write
TB Terabyte. Equivalent to 1,000 Gb for data storage and statistics, or 1,024 Gb for memory.
VCS VERITAS Cluster Server.
vdisk A simulated disk drive accessible from hosts attached to the SAN. When it is a member of a DR
group, a vdisk is the HSV implementation of a copy set, and it can have two states: normal and
virtual disk family A virtual disk and its snapshot, if a snapshot exists, constitute a family. The original virtual disk
is called the active disk. When you first create a virtual disk family, the only member is the active
VM Virtual Machine.
VSC Volume size customization. Also known as CVS.
WBEM Web-Based Enterprise Management.
WDM Wavelength division multiplexing. The technique of placing multiple optical signals on a single
optical cable simultaneously.
World Wide Name
A 64- or 128-bit identifier that uniquely identifies the address of a component on the fabric.
74 Glossary