HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.3.1-00 System Requirements

Device Manager agent requirements
Table 3-5 Required patches and succeeding patches for Solaris 8
Required patches Succeeding patches
119067-09 X11 6.4.1: Xsun patch 119067-10, 119067-11
123478-01 SunOS 5.8: fsck patch None.
128624-04 SunOS 5.8: LDAP2 client, libc, libthread
and libnsl libraries patch
128624-05, 128624-06, 128624-07, 128624-08,
128624-09, 128624-10, 128624-11, 128624-12,
128624-13, 128624-14, 128624-15, 128624-16
NOTE: The architecture is SPARC (32 or 64 bit). You can also install the required patches by applying J2SE
Solaris 8 Recommended Patch Cluster. For details on the latest information, see the Oracle web site.
Table 3-6 Required Patches and Succeeding Patches for Solaris 9
Required patches Succeeding patches
111711-16 SunOS 5.9: 32-bit Shared library patch
for C++
111711-17, 111711-18, 111711-19, 111711-20,
111711-21, 111711-22, 111711-23, 111711-24,
111711-25, 111711-26, 111711-27, 111711-28,
111712-16 SunOS 5.9: 64-Bit Shared library patch
for C++
111712-17, 111712-18, 111712-19, 111712-20,
111712-21, 111712-22, 111712-23, 111712-24,
111712-25, 111712-26, 111712-27, 111712-28,
112785-63 X11 6.6.1: Xsun patch 112785-64, 112785-65
112963-32 SunOS 5.9: linker Patch 112963-33, 112963-34, 112963-35, 112963-36
113096-03 X11 6.6.1: OWconfig patch None.
113886-48 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris
113887-48 OpenGL 1.3: OpenGL Patch for Solaris
NOTE: The architecture is SPARC (32 or 64 bit). You can also install the required patches by applying J2SE
Solaris 9 Recommended Patch Cluster. For details on the latest information, see the Oracle web site.
Table 3-7 Required Patches and Succeeding Patches for Solaris 10
Architecture Required patches Succeeding patches
118833-36 SunOS 5.10: kernel
118918-24 SunOS 5.10: Solaris
Crypto Framework patch
119042-10 SunOS 5.10: svccfg &
svcprop patch
119042-11, 138217-01
(32 and 64 bit)
119090-26 SunOS 5.10: Sun
iSCSI Device Driver and Utilities