HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.4.1-00 System Requirements (TB581-96339, March 2013)

Storage systems requirements
8-3 P9500
The following table lists the prerequisite firmware versions and software products.
See the manual of each software product when necessary.
Table 8-1 Prerequisite firmware versions and software products (for P9500)
Prerequisite firmware versions
Prerequisite software products
Controller microcode:
70-01--xx/xx or later
Controller microcode to use the Data Migration
70-01--xx/xx or later
Controller microcode to manage copy groups
defined by device groups:
70-02-00-xx/xx or later
Required software to manage storage systems:
To add LUN and delete LUN
LUN Manager
To use the Data Migration functionality:
Auto LUN V2
Volume Shredder (Required to destroy the data
on migration-source volumes.)
Open Volume Management (Required to destroy
data when there are multiple migration-source
THP volumes.)
Data Retention Utility (Required to lock volumes.)
To use functions for creating a LUSE or LDEV (CVS):
OPEN Volume Management
To use the copy pair functionality:
Business Copy/Snapshot
Continuous Access Synchronous
Continuous Access Journal
Fast Snap
To use Element Manager:
P9000 Remote Web Console
To use External Storage:
External Storage
To use cache logical partitioning (CLPR):
Cache Partition
To use 3DC functionality:
Cont Access Journal 3DC & 4x4 for Open and MF
To use the Thin Provisioning functionality:
Thin Provisioning
To use the Smart Tier functionality:
Smart Tier
Before you perform operations on a resource to which a virtual ID has been added, data
migration using the virtual ID needs to have completed.