HP StorageWorks P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.1 CLI Reference Guide (TB581-96051, May 2011)

DescriptionStatusParameter name
ID of the copy pair information (ReplicationInfo instance)
Specify this parameter if you want to obtain specific copy pair
information. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify
the model and serialnum parameters. If you specify the model
and serialnum parameters and do not specify the objectid
parameter, information about copy pairs of the specified storage
system is obtained.
Information about logical units related to a copy pair.
LogicalUnit is the only value that you can specify.
Starting sequence number of copy pair information to be obtained
Specify this parameter to obtain information for some copy pairs
from a specific storage system.
When copy pair information is in the order shown below and
starts from 0, specify the first number in the sequence of copy
pair information that you want to obtain.
Order of copy pair information:
1. Serial numbers of P-VOLs in ascending order
2. Device numbers of P-VOLs in ascending order
3. Serial numbers of S-VOLs in ascending order
4. Device numbers of S-VOLs in ascending order
This parameter must be specified together with the
numOfElementsFilter, model, and serialnum parameters.
Number of copy pair information items to be obtained
Specify this parameter to obtain information about some copy
pairs from a specific storage system.
This parameter must be specified together with the
startElementNumFilter, model, and serialnum
The maximum recommended value is 16384.
Parameter values to obtain in advance
serialnum and model: Obtain these values from the execution result of the GetStorageArray
command. In the execution result, use the arrayType value or the displayArrayType value to
specify the model parameter, and use the serialNumber value to specify the serialnum parameter.
objectid: Obtain this value from the execution result of the GetStorageArray
(subtarget=ReplicationInfo) command. Execute this command by specifying only the model
and serialnum parameters, and ReplicationInfo for the subtarget parameter. You can now
obtain information about copy pairs, from specified storage systems. In the execution result of this
command, an objectID value appears under An instance of ReplicationInfo. Use this
objectID value to specify the objectid parameter.
Command execution example
hdvmcli GetStorageArray -o "D:\logs\GetStorageArray_ReplicationInfo.log"
CLI Reference Guide 161