HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition software Device Manager server installation and configuration guide (web version) (T1780-96078, March 2008)

Device Manager server properties
8-2-20 server.installTime
This property contains the Device Manager installation date.
Format: dd/mm/yyyy:HH:MM:SS ZZZZ (dd:day, mm:month, yyyy:year, HH:hour, MM:minute,
SS:second ZZZZ (TimeZone).
Default: dd/mm/yyyy:HH:MM:SS ZZZZ (Install date)
8-2-21 server.base.home
This property contains the installation directory of Common Component, which is set by the Device
Manager installer. You should not change this property under normal circumstances.
Default: (Value set by the installer)
8-2-22 server.horcmconfigfile.hostname
This property allows you to specify whether to use the host name (hostname) or the IP address
(ipaddress) when Device Manager edits the configuration definition file.
CAUTION: Deleting a host name or an IP address that was specified when a copy pair was
created disables operations on the copy pair. In such a case, refresh the disk array information.
Default: ipaddress
8-2-23 server.base.initialsynchro
This property allows you to specify whether to synchronize the management information database
and the displayed information (XP Command View AE Suite Common Repository) when you start
Device Manager. A setting of true will synchronize the information. A setting of false will not
synchronize the information.
CAUTION: If this property is set to true, synchronization of the information will take several
minutes. If you change the property and then log in to Device Manager right away, an error may
occur. If that occurs, wait until the synchronization is finished, and then log in.
Default: false
8-2-24 server.cim.agent
This property allows you to specify the name of the host on which the Device Manager agent is
installed when the function for collecting storage subsystem performance information is used.
Performance information can be collected only when this property is specified.
Default: None
8-2-25 server.cim.support
This property determines whether CIM support is enabled.
The installer sets this property to true if you enable the CIM/WBEM features for the SMI-S Provider
service setting during installation.
Default: true