HP StorageWorks XP Command View Advanced Edition software Device Manager server installation and configuration guide (web version) (T1780-96078, March 2008)

The cvxpaegetlogs command has the following format:
In Windows:
<common component installation folder>\bin\cvxpaegetlogs /dir directory-
name [/type application-name] [/arc archive-file-name]
In Linux:
<common component installation directory>/bin/cvxpaegetlogs -dir
directory-name [-type application-name] [-arc archive-file-name]
You can specify the following options for the cvxpaegetlogs command:
Specify the name of the directory on a local disk that stores maintenance information. If the
directory has already been created, empty the directory.
The maximum length of a path name that can be specified is 41 bytes. For details about the
maximum length of a path name when an application name other than DeviceManager is
specified in the type option, see the manual for each product.
You can specify any printable ASCII character excluding certain special characters. You
cannot specify the following characters:
\ / : , ; * ? " < > | $ % & ' `
However, you can specify \, :, and / (in Windows), or / (in Linux) as a path delimiter. Do not
specify a path delimiter at the end of a path name.
In Windows, to specify a space character in a path name, enclose the path name in double
quotation marks ("). In Linux, you cannot specify a space character in a path name.
Specify the name of the application from which maintenance information will be collected. To
collect maintenance information for Device Manager, specify DeviceManager as the
application name. If you do not specify this option, maintenance information for all of the web
applications registered in Common Component is collected.
Specify the name of the archive files to be created. If you do not specify this option, the default
file name is cvxpae_logs. When the archive files are output, each of them will have an
extension corresponding to the type of each archive file (.jar, .hdb.jar, .db.jar, or
.csv.jar). The archive files are output under the directory specified in the dir option.
For the file name, you can specify any printable ASCII character excluding certain special
characters. You cannot specify the following characters:
\ / : , ; * ? " < > | $ % & ' `
In Linux, you cannot specify a space character in a file name.
Return values:
0: Normal termination
: Parameter error
2: Abnormal termination
An example of collecting maintenance information for Device Manager only is shown below. In this
example, the archive file named cvxpae_logs is created under the logs_work directory.
In Windows:
C:\Program Files\CVXPAE\Base\bin\cvxpaegetlogs /dir C:\logs_work /type
In Linux: